War gases

The essential qualities of a war gas are:
•toxicity in low concentrations
•heavier than air
•causes vasodilation
•stable chemical composition
•chemical composition should not corrode the container


•Lacrimators {tear gases}: eg. chloractophenoone, bromobenzylcyanide, ethyl iodoacetate
Effects: irritation of eyes ,respiratory passages and GIT
Treatment: Fresh air, eye wash

•Lung irritantspersphyxiants {choking gases}: eg. chlorine, phosgene, diphosgene and chloropicrin
Effects: Irritation of eyes, dyspnoea, cyanosis
Treatment: eye wash, oxygenation, adrenaline and antibiotics

•Vesicants {blister gases}: eg. mustard gas and lewisite
Effects: vesication, ulceration and irritation of eyes and respiratory tract
Treatment: Wash the eye, British Anti Lewisite

•Sternutators, nasal irritants {vomiting gases}: eg. diphenyl chlorasine, diphenylamine chlorasine, diphenyl cynarasine,
Effects: nasal irritation and vomiting
Treatment: symptomatic

•Blood poisons, paralysants: eg. carbon monoxide, hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen sulphide
Effects: CNS and respiratory depression
Treatment: Specific treatment and oxygenation

•Nerve gases
Effects: Acetylcholine poisonong

11/26/2024 11:01:16 War gases
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