Zinc phosphide

It is a steel grey, crystalline powder with garlicky odor and is used as a fumigant to control insects and rodents
Route :
Fatal Dose :
Fatal Period :
24 hours
Mechanism of action :
It is due to phosphine gas {PH3} gas released on contact with gastric Hcl. Phosphine inhibits respiratory chain enzymes and has ctotoxic action.
Clinical Picture :
• dizziness
• vomiting
• diarrhea
• respiratory distress
• cyanosis
• cardiac arrhythmia
• circulatory failure
• convulsions

Treatment :
• Gastric lavage
• Activated charcoal
• Antacids reduce absorption of phosphine
• Magnesium reduces organ toxicity, hypomagnesia amd arrhthmias
• Symptomatic
11/25/2024 17:17:14 Zinc phosphide
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