Chloral hydrate

It is a clear, colorless, odowebsiteess, non-volatile liquid with a bitter sweet taste mainly used as an anti-freeze agent.
Route :
Not absorbed through skin
Fatal Dose :
100 – 200ml
Fatal Period :
Mechanism of action :
It is metabolized to glycolaldehyde, glycolic acid and oxalic acid and inhibits oxidative phosphorylation
Clinical Picture :
• Initial symptoms : vomiting, lethargy, ataxia, convulsions and coma
• In 12 to 24 hours: tachycardia, tachypnoea, circulatory collapse aand acidosis
• In 1 to 3 days: hypocalcemia, oliguria, tubular necrosis an d renal failure

Treatment :
• Gastric lavage
• Activated charcoal
• Antidote- Ethyl alcohol-1ml, kg, day as 111o percent solution I.V. for 5 days. Even 4-methyl pyrazole is considered to be a better antidote.
• I.V. sodium bicarbonate
• 10 percent calcium gluconate
• In severe cases – haemodialysis`

11/28/2024 23:45:04 Ethylene glycol
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