
Active principle: Curarine, D-tubo-curarine
Used as arrow poison
Route :
No poisoning occurs when swallowed.When injected – inability to move
Fatal Dose :
Fatal Period :
1 - 2 hours
Mechanism of action :
• Used therapeutically as a muscle relaxant and anticonvulsant.
• Paralysis of voluntary muscles from legs upwards including respiratory muscles

Clinical Picture :
• Headache, vertigo, mydriasis, blurred vision and hypotension
• Gradual paralysis of limbs, followed by paralysis of respiratory muscles and death from asphyxia.

Treatment :
• Ligature, incision and suction
• Atropine - 0.6 to 1.2mg
• Neostigmine – 5 to 10mg i.v.
• Physostigmine – 3ml of 1: 200 solutioni.v.
• Artificial respiration
11/26/2024 15:23:59 Curare
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