Chloral hydrate

It is a colorless, crystalline substance having peculiar pungent odor, and a pungent bitter taste
Route :
It is a colorless, crystalline substance having peculiar pungent odor, and a pungent bitter taste
Fatal Dose :
5 to 10 gms
Fatal Period :
8 to 12 hrs
Mechanism of action :
It is absorbed rapidly from the stomach and small intestine and also from the rectum. Is is metabolized in liver to trichloroethanol which is hypnotic
Clinical Picture :
It resembles that of barbiturates, but in addition there is retrosternal burning, vomiting and jaundice
Treatment :
• Gastric lavage
• Flumazenil: 0.1mg as infusion to a total of 3mg
• Symptomatic
11/28/2024 23:45:04 Chloral hydrate
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