Pedi Poll


Q. How do you approach the challenge of diagnosing and treating pediatric patients with emerging infectious diseases, such as multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C)?

Poll Results
Collaborating with infectious disease specialists for early diagnosis and management
Treating MIS-C as a regular inflammatory condition with corticosteroids
Relying on parental descriptions for diagnosis without additional testing
Remarks :
Ubaid Ahmed
Keep a high index of suspicion for kids with rapid deterioration, hemodynamic instability, KD like features, non-remitting course. We at least get Covid antibodies done of any of the above features are present. If they are significantly raised, we send the rest of panel which in our setup includes D-dimers, LDH and ferritin. ID is on board the entire time
1 year ago
Mah Mobeen
collaborate with ID specialist for best managemnt.
meanwhile started the therapy.

1 year ago

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