Drug Index


Mechanism :

by changing the voltage-dependent sodium channel's fast inactivation threshold, lowers sustained high-frequency repeated firing of action potentials.

Indication :

  • Adjunctive therapy in the management of partial seizures in patients more than 16 years.

Contraindications :

Zonisamide / Sulfonamide hypersensitivity

Pregnancy category: C

caution in age less than 16 years

caution if renal impairment

caution if hepatic impairment

caution if nephrolithiasis

caution if metabolic acidosis

Dosing :

<16 years:
Not recommended
>16 years:
Oral 100-600 mg/day divided daily or twice daily.
Start: 100 mg PO daily, may increase by 100 mg/day every 2 weeks.
Maximum: 600 mg/day, though, doses >400 mg/day are seldom more effective. Taper dose gradually to D/C

Adverse Effect :

anorexia, Somnolence, headache, dizziness, nausea, agitation

Interaction :










Hepatic Dose :

hepatic impairment: caution advised, titrate slowly

11/13/2024 23:27:48 Zonisamide
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