Drug Index

Typhoid Vaccine

Synonyms :

Conjugated Typhoid Vaccine, Typhoid Vi Vaccine

Mechanism :

It is also referred to as the TAB vaccine, where it contains a suspension of killed organisms (Salmonella typhi, Salmonella paratyphi A and Salmonella paratyphi B. that cause typhoid and paratyphoid. The immunity achieved is usually not up to the protective level

Indication :

  • Active immunisation against typhoid fever caused by Salmonella typhi.

Contraindications :

Vaccination should be postponed in patients with acute febrile illness or acute GI illness. Oral vaccine: Not to be used in congenital or acquired immunodeficient state, including patients receiving immunosuppressive or antimitotic drugs.

Dosing :

Typhoid Vi Vaccine:
Available as 25 µg/0.5 mL.
2 years and above:
Single dose (0.5 ml) SC. Boosters are required every 2 years.
Conjugated typhoid vaccine:
Give 0.5 ml IM at 9 months of age with a booster at 2 years.

Adverse Effect :

Pain, erythema at the site of the injection. Systemic reactions like malaise, headache, fever and nausea are less common.

Interaction :

Antibiotics or Immunoglobulins: Concurrent use with antibiotics or immunoglobulins may reduce the efficacy of typhoid vaccine.

Mefloquine: Mefloquine may increase the efficacy of typhoid vaccine. May reduce the diagnostic effect of tuberculin tests.

Hepatic Dose :

No dosage adjustments are recommended.
11/14/2024 19:17:57 Typhoid Vaccine
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