Drug Index

Tetanus Immunoglobulin

Synonym :


Mechanism :

It is a human serum preparation containing antibodies against tetanus. These gamma globulins protect against tetanus infections. It is given for prevention and for active immunization along with tetanus toxoid.

Indication :

  • Passive, transient protection against tetanus when:
  • Patient’s personal history of immunization with tetanus toxoid is unknown or uncertain,
  • Person received less than 2 prior doses of tetanus toxoid, or
  • Person received 2 prior doses of tetanus toxoid, but delay of more than 24 hr occurred between time of injury and initiation of tetanus prophylaxis.

Contraindications :

Hypersensitivity to human antibody product, thimerosal, or other components; circulating anti-IgA antibodies.

Dosing :

IM Dose is calculated on basis of body weight (4 units/kg); however, it may be advisable to administer 250 units regardless of the size of the child.

Adverse Effect :

Pain, tenderness, muscle stiffness at injection site, persisting for several hours. Hives, angioedema, nephrotic syndrome, and local inflammation occur occasionally. Anaphylactic reactions (rare). Fever, lethargy, chest tightness may occur.

Interaction :

There is no significant interaction between TIG and tetanus toxoid if given at different injection sites. To avoid inactivating vaccines containing live viruses or bacteria, give live vaccines 2 to 4 weeks before or 12 wk after TIG.

Hepatic Dose :

No dosage adjustments are recommended.
11/26/2024 16:15:24 Tetanus Immunoglobulin
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