Drug Index


Mechanism :

Binds reversibly to nonstructural protein 3 (NS 3) serine protease and inhibits replication of the hepatitis C virus. Considered a direct-acting antiviral treatment for HCV, also called a specifically targeted antiviral therapy for HCV (STAT-C).

Indication :

  • Chronic hepatitis C genotype 1 infection in combination with peginterferon alfa and ribavirin.

Dosing :

Pediatric safety and efficacy not established.
The recommended dose is 1125 mg (three 375 mg tablets) taken orally twice daily (10-14 hours apart) with food for 12 weeks.

Adverse Effect :

Rash, fatigue, pruritus, nausea, anemia, diarrhea, vomiting, hemorrhoids, anorectal discomfort, dysgeusia

Interaction :

Digoxin: Telaprevir will increase the level or effect of digoxin by P-glycoprotein (MDR1) efflux transporter.
Ivosidenib: Ivosidenib and telaprevir both increase QTc interval.

Hepatic Dose :

Mild hepatic impairment: No dose adjustment recommended.
Moderate to severe hepatic impairment: Administration of the drug is not recommended.
11/25/2024 06:44:29 Telaprevir
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