Mechanism :
It is a thrombopoietin peptide fusion protein developed through recombinant DNA technology. It binds to the TPO receptor and promotes growth of megakaryocytes colony forming cells, and increases its maturation. Its a Fusion antibody-peptide which as a thrombopoietin receptor agonist that stimulates activity of monocytes, neutrophils, eoxinophils, and macrophages.
Indication :
- Given for chronic treatment insufficient Chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura
- For the treatment of acute radiation induced thrombocytopenia
Contraindications :
Bleeding, Myelodysplastic syndrome, hepatic disease, thromboembolic disease, pregnancy, and breastfeeding
Dosing :
Given for chronic treatment insufficient Chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura:
1 mcg/kg/week subcutaneously initially with a maximum of 10 mcg/kg/week.
For the treatment of acute radiation induced thrombocytopenia:
10 mcg/kg subcutaneously single dose.
Adverse Effect :
Headache, thromboembolism, angioedema, thrombocytosis, infection, arthralgia, fever, diarrhea, dizziness, insomnia, rash, URTI, vomatings, Myalgia, Sinusitis, Upper abdominal pain
Hepatic Dose :
No dose adjustments needed