Mechanism :
Phenazone is an NSAID.
Indication :
- Otic inflammation
- Removal of earwax
Contraindications :
Allergy to pyrazolines or other NSAIDs.
G6PD deficiency, porphyria. Otic/Aural: Perforated eardrums.
Dosing :
4-6 drops (0.5% otic drops)
3-4 times daily in the affected ears depending on the severity of inflammation.
Adverse Effect :
Hypersensitivity reactions, dizziness.
Interaction :
Liver Enzyme Inhibitors or Inducers: May affect metabolism of drugs metabolised by liver enzymes. Metabolism may be affected by liver enzyme inhibitors or inducers.
Hepatic Dose :
Use with caution , avoid in severe impairment.