Drug Index


Mechanism :

Pegademase bovine is a (modified) enzyme replacement for adenosine deaminase deficiency.

Indication :

  • For enzyme replacement therapy for adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency with SCID

Contraindications :

As preparatory or support therapy for bone marrow transplantation; severe thrombocytopenia.

Dosing :

Initial dosage: 10 units/kg for the first dose, 15 units/kg for the second dose, and 20 units/kg for the third dose; administer dose every 7 days; maintenance dose: 20 units/kg/week; increase by 5 units/kg/week if necessary; maximum single dose: 30 units/kg.

Adverse Effect :

Antibody development, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, erythema at injection site, headache, hemolytic anemia, immune thrombocytopenia, malignant lymphoma, pain at injection site, thrombocythemia, thrombocytopenia, urticaria.

Interaction :

Pegloticase: May diminish the therapeutic effect of pegylated Drug Products.
Pentostatin: May diminish the therapeutic effect of Pegademase Bovine and vice-versa.

Hepatic Dose :

No dosage adjustments are recommended.
11/28/2024 04:31:38 Pegademase
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