Drug Index


Mechanism :

This opiate medicine is for treating diarrhoea. Morphine decreases digestive output and GI motility and propulsion while increasing GI muscle tone.

Indication :

  • Recommended as a therapy for diarrhoea

Contraindications :

Morphine hypersensitivity 

Dosing :

Schedule III oral liquid, 473 mL/bottle.
Anhydrous morphine, 2 mg, is present in each 5 mL.
Oral Administration - Shake well before using.
Use a calibrated oral syringe or measuring cup when administering medications to children; avoid using a regular teaspoon or tablespoon (overdosage may occur)

Adverse Effect :

Dizziness, lightheadness, vomiting , Nausea, Seadation,  Euphoria or dysphoria


Interaction :

Coadministration with other narcotic analgesics, phenothiazines, general anesthetics, tranquilizers, hypnotics /sedatives , or other CNS depressants (like alcohol) has additive depressant effects. consider lowering the dosage of one or both medications when coadministered with such medications.

Monitor closely with use of daridorexant, difelikefalin, ganaxolone

Lactation :

When provided to nursing women, use caution as morphine can be present in the mother’s milk. 

Hepatic Dose :

No dosage adjustment is required for mild-to-moderate symptoms. Severe symptoms: Use with caution.

Pregnanacy :

It is unknown if giving drugs to pregnant women can harm their unborn children or have an impact on their ability to reproduce.

Only treat expectant women when it is plainly necessary

11/14/2024 19:10:08 Paregoric
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