Drug Index

Oxybate Sodium

Mechanism :

Sodium oxybate is derived from gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) and acts as an inhibitory chemical transmitter in the brain.

Indication :

  • Narcolepsy: Treatment of cataplexy or excessive daytime sleepiness in patients ≥7 years of age with narcolepsy

Contraindications :

Concomitant use with ethanol or sedative-hypnotic agents; succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency.

Dosing :

Use in children ≥7 years orally.
20 to <30 kg: Initial:
Up to 1 g at bedtime, and up to 1 g 2.5 to 4 hours later (up to 2 g per night).
30 to <45 kg: Initial:
Up to 1.5 g at bedtime, and up to 1.5 g 2.5 to 4 hours later (up to 3 g per night).
≥45 kg: Initial:
Up to 2.25 g at bedtime, and up to 2.25 g 2.5 to 4 hours later (up to 4.5 g per night).

Adverse Effect :

Confusion, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, peripheral edema, drowsiness, depression, somnambulism, anxiety, hyperhidrosis, diarrhea, upper abdominal pain, urinary incontinence, tremor, limb pain.

Interaction :

CNS Depressants: Sodium Oxybate may enhance the CNS depressant effect of CNS Depressants.
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors: CNS Depressants may enhance the adverse/toxic effect of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors.
Valproate Products: May increase the serum concentration of Sodium Oxybate

Hepatic Dose :

No dosage adjustments are recommended.
11/13/2024 01:36:54 Oxybate Sodium
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