Drug Index


Mechanism :

It is a selective alpha 2 agonist and a nasal decongestant that acts by causing nasal vasoconstriction. It is combined with other drugs like anti-histamines, steroids for local use. It is used to treat nasal congestion and eustachian tube blockage.

Indication :

  • Nasal congestion
  • Sinusitis

Contraindications :

Hypersensitivity, Angle closure glaucoma, MAO inhibitor use in last 14 days.

Dosing :

1-2 sprays (0.05%) in each nostril every 6 hours and as and when needed.

Adverse Effect :

Prolonged use may cause atrophic rhinitis and anosmia. It may cause rebound congestion on stopping the drug. Burning, stinging, sneezing, dryness, local irritation are other side effects.

Interaction :

Drugs to be avoided include:
Isocarboxazid, Linezolid, Phenelzine, Procarbazine, Selegiline Transdermal, Tranylcypromine.

Hepatic Dose :

No dosage adjustments are recommended.
11/14/2024 01:04:17 Naphazoline
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