Drug Index

Hydroxyethyl Starch

Synonyms :

HES, Hespan

Mechanism :

Hydroxyethyl starch (HES) is one of the most frequently used plasma substitutes. Recent studies have indicated that HES may reduce capillary leakage.

Indication :

  • Treatment of hypovolemia & shock

Contraindications :

Known hypersensitivity to starch or related products.

Dosing :

10 mL/kg/dose IV.
Maximum dose of 20 mL/kg IV.

Adverse Effect :

Anaphylactic reactions including urticaria, wheezing, periorbital edema, mild temperature elevation, chills, headache, flu-like symptoms, pruritus, myalgia, vomiting, peripheral edema, salivary gland enlargement, prolonged bleeding time, increase in serum amylase levels during infusion.

Interaction :

Propofol, under study.

Hepatic Dose :

There are no dosage adjustments provided in manufacturer’s labeling; use is contraindicated in severe impairment.
11/25/2024 16:19:08 Hydroxyethyl Starch
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