Drug Index

Hydrogen Peroxide

Mechanism :

It acts by forming hydroxyl free radicals which are destructive to essential cell components like membrane lipids, DNA, and so on. It is a broad-spectrum and potent antimicrobial agent. The 40% topical solution made to penetrate into the SK lesion and causing oxidative damage which leads sloughing of the SK cells.

Indication :

  • Seborrheic Keratosis which is not seen in pediatric population

Contraindications :

• Hypersensitivity

• Broken/inflamed skin

• Infection at the treatment site

• Intravaginal, intraoral, ophthalmic use

• Since there is no systemic absorption of the drug after topical application, exposure of the fetus/infant to the drug is not expected to happen during pregnancy/breastfeeding

Dosing :

Dosage forms: Topical solution: 40%
Seborrheic Keratosis (raised):
40% topical solution to be applied on the seborrheic keratosis lesions four times, with a gap of 1 minute, in the physician’s clinic. The unit dose applicator has to be discarded after use. A repeat treatment of the same procedure can be administered if the lesions do not completely clear till 3 weeks after treatment.

Adverse Effect :

• Common:

o 10 minutes after application: stinging, oedema, pruritis, erythema, vesiculation

o 1 week after application: crusting, pruritis, erythema, scaling

o 15 weeks after application: crusting, hyperpigmentation, erythema, scaling

• Uncommon:

o 1 week after application: erosion, ulceration

o 15 weeks after application: hypopigmentation

• Rare: eyelid oedema, herpes zoster

Hepatic Dose :

Not defined for pediatric population

11/30/2024 15:22:28 Hydrogen Peroxide
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