Drug Index


Mechanism :

Synthetic progestin, it supresses ovulation and endometrial proliferation, increases viscosity of cervical mucous and stimulates growth of mammary tissues

Indication :

  • For contraception.

Contraindications :

Breast cancer, thromboembolic disease, progestin- sensitive cancer, hepatic tumors, active hepatic disease

Dosing :

Postmenarchal females- 1 implant is inserted subdermally in the non-dominant upper arm. Change the implant after every 3 years.
In women not on any hormonal contraception - Insert between Day 1-Day 5 of menstruation. In women taking combined oral hormonal contraceptives- Insert on the last day of active tablet. In women using vaginal ring/transdermal patch, insert it on the day vaginal ring/transdermal patch is removed. In women taking progestin-only pills, insert it on any day.
In case of first trimester abortion- inserted within 5 days after the event. In case of second trimester abortion- inserted between 21 to 28 days after the event.
Post-partum- insert between 21 to 28 days if not breast feeding exclusively, otherwise in exclusively breast-fed women insert after four weeks of post-partum.

Adverse Effect :

Acne vulgaris, abdominal pain, vaginitis, headache, nausea, flu, dysmenorrhea, depression

Interaction :

Aminoglycosides- amplifies the hypocalcaemia effect of bisphosphonate derivatives

Deferasirox- amplifies the adverse/toxic effect of deferasirox

Proton pump inhibitors- can decrease the efficacy of bisphosphonate

NSAIDS- amplifies the adverse/toxic effect of bisphosphonate derivatives    

Lactation :

Hormonal contraceptives can reduce the production of breast milk, otherwise no harm occurs to fetus.

Pregnanacy :

Contraindicated if pregnant

11/28/2024 23:54:18 Etonogestrel
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