Mechanism :
Dextran produces plasma volume expansion due to increased colloid pressure, it draws interstitial fluid into intravascular space.
Indication :
- Fluid replacement in shock
Contraindications :
Known hypersensitivity to dextran, severe CHF, renal failure, severe thrombocytopenia, severe bleeding disorders.
Dosing :
Start with 10 ml/kg rapid intravenous infusion not more than 20 ml/kg in first 24 hours, and not more than 10 ml/kg thereafter, total treatment not more than 5 days.
Adverse Effect :
Nausea, vomiting, hypotension, fever, urticaria, arthralgia, pulmonary edema
Interaction :
Falsely elevates serum glucose and faulty serum bilirubin assays.
Hepatic Dose :
Use with extreme caution.