Diagnostic Dilemma

Clay Coloured stools

A 1 month old male child presented with the history of abdominal distension associated with vomiting and recurrent chest infection and passing clay colored stool several episode per day since 15 days of life.On lab examination total bilirubin was 9.4gm, dl, direct bilirubin 3.2gm, dl and other liver function test revealed normal range. On view of biliary atresia USG was done and revealed normal. Hematology revealed thrombocytopenia and other normal.The baby was treated symptomatically but the abdominal distension and clay colored stool still persisting.

Anyone can give your opinion for this case_?
Answer Discussion :
zohdi alhanouty
neonatal hepatitis due to congenital infection {TORCHS}
15 years ago
vivek chetal
HIDA would be a better diagnostic modality since clay colored stools cant be taken lightly, though HIDA still not being the gold standard. Please do rule out TORCH infections in the baby.
15 years ago

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