Posted by
Shruti Bajaj
On date
17 May, 2018
15 May 2018
- #WorldMucopolysaccharidosisDay#
Today we wish to spread the word about the master of guises,
Early hernia surgery, stiff joints without pain and developmental delay
Could it be MPS1?
Think of MPS2 if you find a matching phenotyic pedigree of only affected sons.
No coarseness, no organs on palapation, but treated for ADHD; I scratch my head...could it be MPS3?
MPS4 should be on your radar, if you see a rachitic child not getting okay with Vitamin D (not to forget the platyspondyly)
Clouded cornea, skeletal dysostosis, short in height: could be a feature of many MPSs; keep in mind MPS6
Facial coarseness in the neonatal period, is it I cell disease or is it MPS7?
Oh a clinical fix!
Don't stop at the GAG report, do the mutation profile
Only then can you offer prenatal counseling in a confident style!
Think of them early, think of them quick
Is it really fair
Treatment options are available, and these kids still remain sick?
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