Yellow Fever Vaccine

Ramsha Ansari
MBBS, Medical Editorial Team, Pediatric Oncall.
First Created: 04/16/2016  Last Updated: 12/27/2023

Patient Education

What is Yellow Fever?

Yellow Fever is a rare and dangerous infection caused by the Yellow Fever virus. Most people infected with the Yellow Fever virus will have no symptoms or mild symptoms. These include fever, headache, body aches, tiredness, weakness. Infected individuals with mild symptoms might recover in a week or they might have lingered tiredness for a month.

Some people develop a more severe disease with High fever, Yellowing of skin or eyes (Jaundice), Bleeding, Shock, Organ failure. 30-60% patients with the severe form of the disease can die.

Yellow fever is dangerous as there is no cure to the infection. The best chance one has against the infection is prevention (vaccine).

Is Yellow Fever prevalent in India?

Yellow Fever is not prevalent in India. Yellow Fever cases have not been reported to have come from India. It is prevalent in Sub-Saharan Africa and South America.

How is Yellow Fever virus spread?

Yellow Fever infection spreads from one to another through mosquito bites.

This method of spread is due to the fact that the virus resides in mosquitoes. So, the infected mosquito containing the virus can spread it after biting a healthy individual.

How is the Yellow Fever Vaccine given?

Yellow Fever vaccine is given subcutaneously.

What is the Schedule for Yellow Fever Vaccination?

YF vaccine is made from live, weakened virus.

A single dose is recommended for individuals between 9 months – 60 years of age.

Whom to give?

Yellow Fever vaccine is recommended for all travelers making a trip to Yellow Fever endemic regions mainly South Africa and South America.

The list of Yellow Fever endemic countries should be checked on the World Health Organization (WHO) website prior to travel.

Whom not to give?

The vaccine is not recommended for the following

  • Infants below 6 months of age
  • Individuals with a severe egg allergy, severe chicken protein allergy, severe gelatin allergy
  • Breastfeeding and pregnant females
  • People with weaker immune system – Cancer, Patients on immune suppressing drugs

Where can I get the YF vaccine?

YF vaccine is given only at designated vaccination centers. You will receive Yellow Card / certificate with your vaccination details and it will be signed by the authorities at the center.

This certificate will be valid 10 days after vaccination ad is valid lifelong.

Please be sure to plan your vaccination 10 days prior to your travel.

1. [Internet] Yellow Fever Virus, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Available from:
2. [Internet] Yellow Fever, CDC Yellow Book 2024, Travel-Associated Infections and Diseases. Available from:
3. (Internet) Yellow Fever Advisory Committee on Vaccines & Immunization Practices. Available from:

Yellow Fever Vaccine Yellow Fever Vaccine 2023-12-27
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