Japanese Enchephalitis Vaccines

Ramsha Ansari
MBBS, Medical Editorial Team, Pediatric Oncall.
First Created: 03/25/2016  Last Updated: 12/27/2023

Patient Education

What is Japanese Encephalitis infection?

Japanese Encephalitis is an infection caused by the Japanese Encephalitis virus.

It causes encephalitis which is an infection of brain. Most people who get infected with the virus do not present with any symptoms. Sometimes they may have mild symptoms like fever, headache and weakness.

However, rarely some people can develop inflammation of the brain, disorientation, seizures and coma. About 1 in 4 cases with brain involvement may die or are left with neurological deficits.

How is JE virus spread?

JE virus is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito from one person to another. It does not spread by contact transmission. It commonly occurs during transmission season which is monsoons when mosquitoes are rampant.

How is the JE Vaccine given?

JE vaccine is given intramuscularly.

What is the Schedule for JE Vaccination?

There are 3 vaccines available for Japanese Encephalitis in India.

  • SA 14-14-2 vaccine: It is made from live, weakened virus. This vaccine is available only in the national immunization schedule of the Government of India.

    It is administered in a 2-dose schedule to children over 9 months.

    Schedule: 9 months and 16-24 months.

  • JEEV: It is made from the dead virus.

    It is administered in a 2-dose schedule to children 1 year of age onwards.

    Schedule: 1 year and the other at least 4 weeks later.

  • JENVAC: It is made from dead virus.

    It is administered in a 2-dose schedule to children 1 year of age onwards.

    Schedule: 1 year and the other at least 4 weeks later.

There is no recommendation for booster doses.

Is the JE vaccine safe to use?

Yes, the JE Vaccine is considered safe.

Side effects of Hepatitis B Vaccine?

In some cases, pain, tenderness, redness, or swelling at the site of the vaccination can happen.

Fever, headache, muscle aches, flu-like illness can also occur.

Whom to give?

  • The JE vaccine is recommended to be given to all children above the age of 9 months who live in districts of India which are declared endemic regions of the JE virus.
  • In hyper-endemic states, the vaccine is also recommended for adults.
  • Travelers to the endemic regions should also receive the vaccination if they are travelling to these regions during the monsoon season or those traveling for a longer duration.

Whom not to give?

Children who had a severe allergic reaction during a previous vaccine dose of Japanese Encephalitis vaccine cannot take the vaccine.

Children with severe allergy to any component of the vaccine cannot take the vaccine.

1. Cdc.gov [Internet] Japanese Encephalitis Virus, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Available from: cdc.gov/japaneseencephalitis/
2. Iapindia.org [Internet] IAP Vaccine Information. ACVIP: 2020-2021 Available from: https://iapindia.org/vaccine-information/
3. Acvip.org (Internet) Japanese Encephalitis Advisory Committee on Vaccines & Immunization Practices. Available from: https://acvip.org/

Japanese Enchephalitis Vaccines Japanese Enchephalitis Vaccines https://www.pediatriconcall.com/show_article/default.aspx?main_cat=vaccinology&sub_cat=japanese-enchephalitis-vaccines&url=japanese-enchephalitis-vaccines-patient-education 2023-12-27
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