Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 21 Jan 2012
what is oxygenation index
what is the difference between OI and Alveolar - arterial difference
when and how is OI useful in clinical practice
Expert Answer :
PaO2 is one of the indicators of tissue oxygenation. The ratio between PaO2 and FiO2 {PaO2, FiO2} is the most common index to evaluate oxygenation. PaO2, FiO2 ratio Less than 300 is indicative of Acute Lung Injury {ALI} and Less than 200 of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome {ARDS}.

The ratio between the arterial and alveolar oxygen pressure
{PaO2, PAO2} evaluates oxygenation and is age dependent. The normal value is about 0.75 and shows that, of the oxygen available in the alveolus, 75 -95 percent is getting into the pulmonary artery.

Oxygenation index {OI} is a more precise and advanced index to
evaluate oxygenation of patient. OI may be computed as follows {where MAP is mean airway pressure}: OI = {MAP x FiO2 x 100}, PaO2.

Hypoxemia can be also assessed by measuring the alveolar arterial oxygen pressure gradient {P{A-a}O2}. P{A-a}O2 is the difference of alveolar O2 {PAO2} and arterial O2 {PaO2}. The normal P{A-a}O2 at 21 percent FiO2 should be less than 4 mmHg for every 10 years of age. On FiO2 1, every 50 mmHg difference in P{A-a}O2 indicates a 2 percent shunt.

A normal P{A-a}O2 excluded lung parenchymal problems as cause of hypoxemia. A low PaO2 in presence of widened P{A-a}O2 difference is due to V, Q mismatching, shunt and diffusion. In such situations PaCO2 might be lower than normal indicating hyperventilation to compensate for hypoxemia.

Giuseppe Marraro
Italy - Pediatric Intensivist
Answer Discussion :
Samira Alfayadh
it represent the ratio between O2 amout delivered to the lungs and the amount diffusing in the blood.
13 years ago
Kaushik Barot
13 years ago
maysa khalil
while the alveolar-arterial gradient will control the o2 diffusion.

13 years ago
amany H mousa
P a O2

it is to asess need for ventilatory support in pediatrics

13 years ago

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