Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 26 May 2007
What is meant by central pontine myelinosis?
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
A demyelinating condition affecting the PONS and characterized clinically by an acute progressive QUADRIPLEGIA, DYSARTHRIA, DYSPHAGIA, and alterations of consciousness. Pathologic features include prominent demyelination in the central PONS with sparing of axons and neurons. This condition is usually associated with systemic disorders such as HYPONATREMIA, chronic ALCOHOLISM, LIVER FAILURE, severe BURNS, malignant NEOPLASMS, hemorrhagic PANCREATITIS, HEMODIALYSIS, and SEPSIS. The rapid medical correction of hyponatremia has been cited as a cause of this condition.
18 years ago
this entity is now part of a group of disorders , osmotic dismyelination disorders

it is not pons always , affected . other parts of brain stem and and other areas also may be affected

sudden change in cellular osmolarity to either side { that is while overenthusiastic correction of hypernatremia, or vice versa can lead to these spectrum disorders
alteration of sensorium , UMN signs and almost always ocular movement and posture change. if main affection in midbrain horizonatl eye movements and if lower pons vertical .

sodium disorders are the most common { as sodium is main deciding electrolite in osmolarity , other causes of osmolarity also can lead to these type of disorders
in short the reasons and manifestations are wider ,not confined to manifestation of a pontine disorder


18 years ago
if hypernatremia treated v fast,it leads 2 central pontine mylinolysis
18 years ago
cns detoriation during rapid correction of hyponatremia
18 years ago
It is a type of neural injury in pons resulting from rapid correction of CHRONIC HYPONATREMIA resulting in confusion,agitation,flaccid or spastic quadriparessis and death.
18 years ago

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