Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 19 Feb 2015
what is dose of piperacillin-tazobactum for various infectionsand indication in enteric fever_?to be given 8hrly or 6 hrly_?
Expert Answer :
Dose of piperacillin-tazobactum for various diseases:
1.neonates: less than 7 days old-
less than 36 weeks gestation-150 mg, kg, day in 2 divided doses
more than 36 weeks gestation-225 mg, kg, day 8 hrly
2.neonates:more than 7 days old-
less than 36 weeks gestation-225 mg, kg, day 8 hrly
more than 36 weeks gestation-300 mg, kg, day 6 hrly
3.infant Less than 6 months age-150-300 mg, kg, day 6-8 hrly
4.infant More than 6 months age and child-300-400 mg, kg, day 6-8 hrly with intra-abdominal or soft tissue infection-3 g 6 hrly with nosocomial pneumonia-4 g 6 hrly
7.cystic fibrosis-350-600 mg, kg, day 4-6 hrly

Several studies conducted, both in India and abroad, have recommended 8 hrly dosing as per the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profile of the drug.

A study was conducted in India by CMC Vellore in collaboration with the USA in 2002, where they compared the susceptibility of numerous gram negative bacteria including salmonella species {mainly ESBL producers} with various antimicrobials. They found that the bacteria showed a 79.6 percent susceptibilty to piperacillin-tazobactum. Therefore, even though there are no guidelines for its use in enteric fever, salmonella species seem to be susceptible to the drug.
Answer Discussion :
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