Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 04 Oct 2006
Post-mature newborn delivered normally of a mother who underwent renal transplant and mother is on anti-rejection therapy. The newborn developed severe hypoglycemia despite treatment with 12.5 percent Dextrose plus steroid. We have no glucagon. What is the cause and what shall I do to help this patient?
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
increase the dose of dextrose to 50 Percent

cause:failure in devlopment of the baby liver leading to decreased conc of glucagon in the body.
:mitochondrial enzyme defficiency

18 years ago
sudeshna Mitrapal
Further information needed wether baby has any dysmorpic features etc is required.One simple further test needed is weyher there is ketone in urine which will help to differentiate between ketotic or nonketotic hypoglycaemia thus shortening the list of differential diagnosis and further investigations.
18 years ago
sherif hamdi abdelazim
18 years ago
Was the mother on long term steroids? Steroids are known to increase the bllod sugar. IF the mother was on long term steroids, her blood sguar may have been on the higher side during preganancy and that may have caused neonatal hypoglycemia in the rebound. One can confirm by doing glycosylated hemoglobin in the mother. ALso do the baby's critical sample insulin and cortisol with urine ketones. One can given IV hydrocortisone for acute symptoms.
18 years ago
do insulin level
18 years ago

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