Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 04 Sep 2008
My 3 month old baby boy is suffering from PUJO in the right kidney. On ultra sound , right kidney measures 6.6x 3.0 cm, left kidney measures 6.3x 2.7 cms. Gross hydronephrosis right side AP diameter: right renal pelvis 2.6 cm. No ureteric dilation. Right Renal parenchyma is 8 mm thick. The urologist is advising for immediate Pyeloplasty. We took 2 DTPA scan at an interval of 24 days and the latest scan shows an improvement in GFR. It improved from 22 percent to 25 percent. Drainage in the right kidney is 17.6ml per min and 51.7 ml per min for the left kidney. So is immediate pyeloplasty required or whether this is a sign to avoid surgery?.
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
yogesh nighute
yes it is required
16 years ago
yes i think
16 years ago
Dr. Ritesh Singh
though latest scan shows improvement, drainage is still low compared to right kidney .one should go for pyeloplasty to avoid long term morbidity
16 years ago
Since the drainage is affected, the pelvis AP diamter is large and GFR is less, it would be better to do a pyeloplasty to prevent further damage to the kidney.
16 years ago

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