Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 18 Sep 2009
It is a academic question.Should we give 2per3 of required fluid in new born IN ALL RDS NEONATES what is the reasoning behind deciding fluid in RDS.2}HOW MUCH FLUID SHOULD BE GIVEN IN NEONATE WITH RESPIRATORY DISTRESS AFTER INITIAL 3-4 DAYS.
Expert Answer :
Babies with RDS are generally given fluids as follows:
Day 1 - 60 to 80 mls per kg per day
Day 2 - 80 to 100 mls per kg per day
Day 3 - 100 to 120 mls per kg per day
Day 4 - 120 to 150 mls per kg per day.
Day 5 - generally people will give 150 mls per kg per day

As a general rule, babies with RDS with go through oliguric phase in the first 48 hours and hence fluid overload is common if you give too much fluids. Traditionally RDS is `expected to improve` once the baby goes into diuretic phase. The grading up or down of fluid requirement in any baby with RDS will also be guided by their electrolyte status and also presence or absence of PDA - generally with PDA - we restrict fluids to less than mls per kg per day

R Kishore Kumar
Consultant Neonatologist.
Answer Discussion :
H R Nimkande
yes restricted fluid is given so as to avoid volume overload over heart as in distress functioning of heart is compromised and not upto optimal level, overloading may cause pulmonary edema leading to increased distress
15 years ago
Diuresis is seen in the recovery phase of RDS and hence the fluid adjustment.
15 years ago
dr.dinesh rajwaniya
1 }. risk of heart failre and p.d.a after 3to 4 days we can give 100 percent i.v. fluid.
15 years ago
The fluids should be based on case basis. After the initial 3 days, the child will have a phase of diuresis and so requires fluids appropriately
15 years ago
dr eman
we should give fluid in RDS due to difficulty in oral feeding as there is tachypnea we give 90_100 ml per kg.
15 years ago

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