Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 13 Mar 2007
Dear sir,madam,when we see a patient of chicken pox or mumps, parents ask for vaccination of other siblings. Should we wait till incubation period for disease to manifest, especially for mumps or can we immunize them?
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Answer Discussion :
sadaf farhat khan
yes we can immunize them
18 years ago
zabrul haque
should get immunoglobulin in 96 hrs of exposure in case of chicken pox.
18 years ago
The mumps vaccine cannot be used to prevent the development of mumps after exposure in unimmunised people. However giving the vaccine leads to no harm.
For chickenpox, in non-immune patients, prevent infection by vaccination with varicella vaccine within 3 days of exposure. Although you may not be able to prevent infection if you are vaccinated within 5 days after exposure, you will get a milder case of chickenpox.

18 years ago

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