Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 15 Oct 2007
Can I know the utility of and physiology of performing Captopril GFR SCAN?
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
captopril causes renal vasodilation,by inhibiting ACE.Thus any renal underperfused-hypofunctioning area can be seen.
17 years ago
When blood flow to the kidneys is reduced, the kidneys attempt to improve their blood supply by producing angiotensin, which raises blood pressure and helps maintain their filtration function. In this test, an initial scan is followed by administration of the drug captopril, which suppresses angiotensin production. If a second scan shows a decrease in kidney function, it suggests that angiotensin had been at work as a result of a blockage. No change in function after administering captopril suggests that the renal arteries are not constricted and therefore that the kidneys are not dependent on angiotensin.
17 years ago

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