T of TPR made easy with Intelligent Wireless Digital Temperature Monitor

Reepa Agrawal
T of TPR made easy with Intelligent Wireless Digital Temperature Monitor 22 Nov, 2018

A new FDA cleared medical device known as Temp-traq which is a first of its kind wireless wearable digital temperature monitor has now earned CE mark (” European Conformity") and will be available for sale in the European Union.

This is available as a soft, comfortable disposable patch which can be applied on all skin types and in all age groups. It helps in continuous accurate non-invasive temperature monitoring for 24 to 48 hours. It is bluetooth enabled and sends data continuously to the Temp traq app.

It is HIPAA-compliant and supported by Google Healthcare Cloud Platform which allows parents and caregivers to monitor body temperature from anywhere upto 40 feet. It also allows direct integration with health care provider electronic health records (EHR) systems and central nurse’s stations, providing a secure method of storing patient health care data. Temperature display is in Fahrenheit or Celsius. It can send alerts to mobile devices when temperature reaches either pre-determined or user set levels.

Studies have been conducted to prove its efficacy in Cincinnati Children's Hospital, Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center and Akron Children’s Hospital. This wireless digital temperature monitor is scalable and can support a single hospital or a multi-hospital/physician group healthcare system.
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