Drug Index

Taliglucerase Alfa

Mechanism :

Taliglucerase alfa is an analogue of glucocerebrosidase; it is produced by recombinant DNA technology using plant (carrot) cell culture.

Indication :

  • Treatment of type 1 Gaucher disease.

Contraindications :

Severe hypersensitivity to taliglucerase alfa or any component of the formulation.

Dosing :

IV: 60 units/kg every 2 weeks; dosing is individualized based on disease severity.

Adverse Effect :

Headache, vomiting, hypersensitivity reaction, antibody reaction, arthralgia, limb pain, pharyngitis, flushing, dizziness, fatigue.

Interaction :

No known significant interactions.

Hepatic Dose :

No dose adjustment recommended.
11/29/2024 03:13:11 Taliglucerase Alfa
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